

  • They do not often visit unannounced
  • It is impolite to be in a hurry to leave
  • A French mother is the core of the family unit; she holds the family together.
  • Pets outnumber children
  • Although relatively few French citizens are regular churchgoers, most observe traditional Catholic rituals
  • Soccer and rugby are popular spectator sports
  • Most people take five weeks of paid vacation each year—four weeks in the summer and one week at Christmas
  • French cuisine, literature, art, and architecture have greatly influenced the modern world
  • Known for philosophy, ballet, ceramics, and fashion
  • French designers such as Christian Dior, Coco Chanel, Cartier, and Louis Vuitton retain a prominent place in the world of international high fashion
  • Celebrate New Years, Mardi Gras, Easter Sunday and Monday, Labor Day, French Armistice Day, World War 1 Armistice Day, and Catholic Holidays.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool page! It is amazing to see the influence that the French have had on such areas as fashion, cuisine, etc.

    Pets outnumber children? Why?
